Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | font | document OCR: delayed Most authorities accept the definition o adary puberty (Fig. 13.17) as the absence of seco rd sexual development at an age two stand f puberty -deviations above the mean age of onset ormal an age at which ninety-five per cent of n the USA, children have already entered puberty. I e for boys this approximates to fourteen years of ag milar and thirteen years of age for girls, with s . Some ranges applying to European population berty at thischildren who have not gone through pu onths and age will do so within the few ensuing m normal. are simply classified as a variation from rder of the Others, however, have a permanent disc ill never goovary, pituitary, or hypothalamus and w o the through pubertal development, leading diagnosis of primary, secondary or tertia hypogonadism.